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SINE bit Solutions

System INovative Enterprise Backoffice IT solutions

We provide turnkey IT infrastructure transformation services. From design to implementation, with "one stop shop" services.
We also undertake the maintenance of your IT infrastructure with a long-term four level contract (4 tiers support).

Our story

"An indomitable will can drive an athlete to break world records. It can make a leader unite nations. It can inspire a mother to travel as far as it takes to find safety for her children. It motivates a nation to land on the moon. Surely an indomitable will can work wonders." - Mahatma Gandhi

We have come a long way since the day we started trying to achieve what seemed impossible until then.

It was a big challenge for us to come up with a way to manage a computer network that could "marry" the two dominant operating systems of the modern world. The all-powerful OS that generations of users and administrators were nurtured on, and the up-and-coming OS that thousands of developers around the world are dealing with and trying to tame today.

Today we can offer you a system with a data center architecture that manages Windows and Linux in a single way, both at the user, file and services level, offers remote access for work or maintenance, with the highest possible level of service and feature integration, in prices that are affordable even for small and medium-sized structures.


Faonos 57, 104 42 Akadimia Platonos

ATHENS BRANCΗ : Sinopis 30, 115 27 Athens

Email: sinebit mail

